Tin Foil Hats

The Priest says “Mickey – you cannot divorce Minnie because she’s crazy;” and Mickey says “I didn’t say that she was crazy, I said that she’s F@#$ing Goofy!”

Archive for January, 2008

Green Lantern #27 – Thoughts, Reviews….just Wow!

Posted by tinfoilhats on January 31, 2008

OK, I’ll do the Short Shorts later (complete with horrifying imagry) but first there are two comics which I feel that I must discuss in detail.  First up will be Green Lantern #27.

Yes, this will be chock-full of spoilers, so if you don’t want to be spoiled then by all means: DO NOT CONTINUE ANY FURTHER!


Green Lantern #27, written by Geoff Johns with guest-artist Mike McCone.  The Alpha Lanterns are here, and my god – could they be any creepier?  This title has not slowed down since the conclusion of Sinestro Corps War.  If anything, business seems to be picking up.  This issue moved several plot points forward, including, but not limited to:

  1. The Ramifications of the First New Law of the Book of Oa.
  2. The continuing dissolution of the Lost Lanterns.
  3. The coming threat of the Black Lanterns.
  4. Sinestro’s continued manipulation of the Guardians.
  5. The continued threat of Sinestro’s Corps.
  6. Moral and ethical division amongst the individual members of the Green Lantern Corps.
  7. Growing doubt in the decisions of the Guardians.

We pick up where last issue ended (like you do), with the ring of Amon Sur looking for a new bearer.  It makes it’s way to Earth where it has selected one Jonathan Crane, aka the Scarecrow, as it’s new bearer.  That does not come to pass, however, as it is stopped by Hal Jordan and John Stewart.  We discover that some of the new duties of the GLC include preventing Sinestro Rings from finding bearers once they are detected.  Johns uses this situation to explore the characters of John and Hal.  He plays on both of their military backgrounds (the banter was very believable, from my experience) as well as show that they tend to spend their nights in very different ways.  Of course, once the rings are on they are both all business.

From their discussion we find out that the GLC has been rather pro-active in terms of dealing with the Sinestro Corps, with Volk leading a team into the Anti-Matter Universe to destroy their forgeries.  Upon learning who the ring belonged to, they take it back to Oa for destruction and walk into the Corps quarrelling amongst themselves over the actions of Laira, the Green Lantern of Sector 112 who killed Amon Sur in a fit of rage.  Johns quickly establishes distinct voices for several Lanterns (something he is very good at doing with a large cast) as we find ourselves in the middle of this discussion.

The truly shocking part of this for me occurred when the Lost Lanterns unamimously agreed that Laira’s actions were Murder and not Justice.  I cannot help but feel that Laira could become one of the coming Red Lanterns, as she seems to be full of anger and bitterness at this time.  She has definately fallen, and if the Red Rings are like I suspect, then they will only need a moment to get into her before overwhelming her.

Before we get there, tho, she’ll stand trial.  Our new judges are the Alpha Lanterns.  Amongst those chosen by the Guardians for this “Highest Honor” are old, familiar characters like Chaselon (the crystal guy…yes, he has always had a name!), Boodika (further splintering the Lost Lanterns), and Green Man.  Others chosen are new (or at least new to me) Lanterns, Varix and the absolutely intriguing Kraken.  They all accept the “Highest Honor.”  The only Lantern chosen who does not accept is John Stewart, which obviously displeases the Guardians.

It should be noted that of the 9 remaining Guardians only 8 are present for all of this.  The ninth Guardian, the female who was scarred by the Anti-Monitor, is far away, charging the Green Lantern, Ash, to track down the remains of the Anti-Monitor.  Ash seems to feel that she may be acting in secret from the other Guardians, which she denies, but her eyes show the image of Black Hand, which we know is the logo of the upcoming Black Lanterns.  I cannot help but think that the “Scardian” is not entirely right in the head.  Could she have been somehow infected by the Anti-Monitor’s power?

When we come back to Oa we deal with an escape attempt by Laira, who gets away from the other GL’s, but suddenly everyone’s power drains: the Alpha-Lanterns have arrived.  What we see are the grotesque remains of those chosen for this “Highest Honor.”  The Guardians have combined the technology of the Manhunters with these individual Lanterns, removing the stain of emotion which they feel hampers the GLC.  Underneath the “faces” of the Alpha Lanterns are the internal faces of the Manhunters, only with Green Energy coming out of them.  They have similar power-draining abilities that the Manhunters possess, obviously so that they can subdue any GL whom they have determined are not acting in accordance with the Book of Oa.

These Alpha Lanterns have “Train Wreck” written all over them.  This can only end badly for them, the Guardians and the GLC.  This is on the level of “Hey – let’s keep the Cyborg-Superman and Superboy-Prime on Oa!” in terms of bad ideas.  One cannot help but think tha the Guardians have become perhaps to arrogant in their own powers that they keep making what appear to be horrible mistakes by everyone else.

Yes, the First New Law was needed to win the Sinestro Corps War, but in the long run can that be what defines the GLC?  The First New Law has had an incredibly profound effect on the GLC already, and one cannot help but wonder what Laws 2-10 will entail.

It is amazing enough when a writer puts out a comic this consistantly incredible, but what Johns is doing here, in the Justice Society of America, Booster Gold and Action Comics is simply mind-boggling.  I have been a fan of his for a long time, and he has only managed to get better and better.  I have always been a Green Lantern fan, but never moreso than now.  It’s hard for me to think that there was a point in time when I thought that Johns did not have his heart in this comic and possibly should step aside.  Yeah – I actually thought that.  We’ll chalk that one up as a mistake on my part. 

Next month is Part Two of this War Crimes arc, but it should be obvious to all that it is simply chapter 27 in what is shaping up to be a grand, cosmic tale.  Laira’s fate as a Green Lantern will be determined, but I think that her sad story is only beginning.  As for the other passengers on this coming train wreck: the Scardian; the 8; The Alpha Lanterns; John Stewart; Sinestro; the Green Lantern Corps; and of course, Hal Jordan…I wait with great anticipation to learn what the future has in store for each and every one of them.  I know that I sound like a gushing fanboy when discussing this comic, but in all fairness is there any other reaction?  This has taken the spot of my single favorite comic being published, and month in and month out I become more convinced that is well-deserved.

Posted in Comics, Green Lantern | 1 Comment »

Pickles drenched in BBQ sauce

Posted by tinfoilhats on January 26, 2008

Today was a good day.

Well – good for my stomach and taste buds…probably not the greatest for the old ticker or the waistline.  Fired up the smoker today and enjoyed some lightly-seasoned, slow-smoked brisket and some slow-roasted turkey so moist that it fell apart in your mouth.  It’s times like this when I really feel sorry for vegetarians.  I know that they have their self-imagined sense of moral superiorty because they choose not to eat animals…but they ignore the undeniable fact that cows taste good, as do turkeys, chicken, quail, pigs, and…um….sheep?  Yeah, sheep. 

Not a fan of fish or any of that other nasty sea-stuff.  I guess I’m partial to the landies.

But that is besides the point here.  I am writing this for one reason and one reason only – while it may not be the taste of heaven, the taste of pickles drenched in warm BBQ sauce is at least on the menu.

Ohhhh…..man…..sliced pickles in BBQ sauce.  It’s like the two merge for an absolute taste phenomenon.  I would join the vegan ranks if I thought that I could live off of that wonderful medley of flavor.  OK, not really, but yummy….simply yummy.

Posted in Food | 3 Comments »

My Mini City – Texasville

Posted by tinfoilhats on January 22, 2008

Yep – another time waster! 🙂


 My Mini City – as far as I can tell, the population of your little city grows by one with each person who clicks on it.  I have no idea what happens beyond that.  My city, Texasville, currently has a population of 2.  I guess that I will just have to click back every once in a while to see how it’s doing.

Posted in Time Wasters | 2 Comments »

Tin Foil Hats Book Club: John Adams

Posted by tinfoilhats on January 22, 2008

Yes, believe it or not, but I read books without pictures, too!

I tend to favor non-fiction over fiction, the time period depending on where my mind is at the moment.  Today I began a book which I’ve had for a while, but am just now getting around to starting: John Adams, by David McCullough. Published in 2001. ISBN – 0-684-81363-7

I have had this book recommened to me by a wide variety of individuals who know me. Even tho I consider myself quite the history buff, I will be the first to admit that I know very little about our second President; and judging by the first 50 or so pages I have read, there is a lot to know about him.

McCullough has a wonderful, narrative writing style which makes the reading seem like a tale, or a discussion, and not cold and lifeless like textbook material. Immediately you are drawn into John Adams’ world at the time of the Revolution. You understand the dire straits our young country found itself in; and you understand the urgency of the actions of our Founding Fathers.

I will offer occassional commentary on this reading as I feel the situation warrants. Most of my thoughts will take place once I complete this book. I just posted this so that I could feel like Oprah.

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An athlete killed and the fate of General Butt Naked

Posted by tinfoilhats on January 22, 2008

Funny nickname.

Nothing funny about this guy. 


Liberia is just one of the many war-torn regions of modern Africa.  Their decades-long Civil War saw the deaths of approximately 250,000 people…and considering that this was a nation of only around 3 million people that number becomes more staggering.

Liberia, of course, started off as a colony founded by freed American slaves who wished to return to the land of their birth.   Most of those people never were able to go back to their original homes as many of them did not exist as before, and thus the colony was born.  Founded in 1847, the country has had anything but a tranquil existence.

One of the many characters found in this country’s sorrows is named Joshua Milton Blahyi.  He was a rebel leader – one of many – but what made him stand out from others was his penchant to lead his troops into battle wearing only his boots, earning him the nickname of “Gen. Butt Naked.”

Laugh at the nickname if you must, but it is a name associated with horror for many.  He has recently surrendered himself to the Liberian “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” which encourages those on all sides of this war to admit to what they’ve done so that the country can move forth.  Blahyi has admitted to him and his followers being responsible for 20,000 deaths.  His crimes do not end there, but you can read the rest in the link above.  After reading that it becomes hard to laugh at that name, doesn’t it?

I did mention the multiple areas of conflict in Africa.  A trendy source of “outrage” amongst people in this country is the situation in the Sudan.  I am not trying to trivialize that travesty, but it needs to be pointed out that violence in Africa exists outside of that region.  One of those regions produced a story which hit close to home for me today.


I remember Wesley Ngetich.  He was the talk of the 2006 Houston Marathon, which I participated in.  His finish was incredible – taking second place by just a few feet.  Originally he had been the #1 seeded runner in the Half-Marathon that day, but at the last minute he switched to the full race.  The fact that he finished so highly after not preparing for that race was nothing short of amazing.

He was no stranger to Marathons all across this country, and a week ago he was supposed to run in Phoenix, but he missed it due to the troubles in his home country of Kenya.  He couldn’t get a flight out, and during the time in which he was supposed to be gone, Wesley Ngetich was killed.  Shot in the chest with an arrow in what some are calling fallout from election chaos, and others are calling a revenge killing in which he may have been an innocent bystander.

David Cheruiyot, the winner of this year’s Houston Marathon as well as last years in which he staved off the furious rally from the now-deceased Wesley Ngetich had commented on the tribal violence sweeping his country not even two weeks ago, prior to his Houston Marathon win.


I remember reading this story when it came out and it didn’t resonate that much with me.  Now it’s words are haunting in their prescience.

Posted in Me being serious, Sports | 2 Comments »

Short Shorts – Comic Book Briefs for the week of 1/16/2008

Posted by tinfoilhats on January 22, 2008

No….NO!!!!  Don’t do it!  Don’t do it!!!!!


AAAAAHHH!!!!  IT’S BACK!  RUN!  RUNNN!!!!!!!!!!

Well, that horrifying image can only mean one thing: it is time for the Short Shorts, a few thoughts that I have on the comics I read.  These are reviews, just short comments: Briefs if you will.

God, I suck for using that image over and over again.  You all have my word that I won’t use it again for at least a few days.


Checkmate #22

I will forego the usual gushing I do about just how damned good this comic is…meh, no I won’t.  My god, this comic is just firing on all cylinders.  Rucka and Trautmann have completed a two-part storyline which solidifies Josephine Tautin’s standing as the baddest Frenchman (woman…whatever) to hit the planet since Jean Reno, and more importantly, they have established that the legacy of Mademoiselle Marie is as storied and rich as any in the DCU.  They have taken a rather unused concept and have given it new life.  These past couple issues have been a wonderful way to spotlight one of the characters while establishing the new Royals following the Wall’s departure from the organization. We’re about to go into the the third year of one of DC’s best comics, and I can’t wait for more.

 Booster Gold #6

Wow.  What an issue.  This one was for the fans, that’s for sure.  Johns and Katz are doing a wonderful job establishing Booster Gold in his new niche of the DCU.  The issue title: Meet the Beetles….awesome.  They even got the font down just right!  While I am excited about the returning character in this arc, I cannot help but feel that this isn’t permanant.  That doesn’t matter to me, tho, as I’m sure that they’ll do whatever they have planned just as well as every issue has been up to this point.  Looking forward to what looks to be a possible new Booster and Supernova team (could we be seeing a new Goldstar at some point in the near future?)  Looking forward to what’s next for Booster, Rip, Daniel, Ted and everyone else.

 Catwoman #75

How is it that this title just gets better?  I honestly think that Phieffer does a better job with the Salvation Run plot than that title is doing itself.  This is just a damned good comic.  I don’t know how else to describe it.  It has upset me and it has made me happy…the only thing that it hasn’t done is fail to deliver in quality.  This has been one of DC’s strongest titles since One Year Later, and even tho I still miss Helena I am committed to this for the long haul.  This truly feels like Selena versus the world…and indeed it is.  Boy, she sure has pissed a lot of people off in the past couple years!

Countdown to Final Crisis #15

Still not my favorite comic, but it has been steadily improving over the past few weeks.  Ray Palmer is still a whiny-ass, which is annoying, but he looks as if he’ll break out of his doldrums.  Donna Troy asserts herself, proving that the Rick James joke will never get old…except it is.  Still, nice moment – a kind of “yeah, I’m convoluted…so what?” which closes the door on her “continuity” as far as I’m concerned.  I can’t figure out exactly what Brother Eye is up to, and for the life of me I can’t remember why or when it’s current actions began.  Hopefully this will be a focus in more upcoming issues.

Birds of Prey #114

Sean McKeever continues to make this title his own.  Excellent focus on the various members of the team, as well as some screen time for other operatives and it looks as if we have a new one.  I think that she is new – have we seen Infinity before?  I must admit that I was enjoying this issue up until the last page when one of the single most annoying characters in comics shows up.  Boy, I would love it if it were her final appearance!  Aside from that it was a great read.  Totally feels like set-up, but I don’t mind as it is being done well.

Justice League of America #17

Two good stories in one comic.  Burnett sets up what is a natural storyline with the current events of the DCU, and he uses a lot of snazzy villains in the process (a new version of one, and one whom I thought was dead, but what the hell, right?); meanwhile, McDuffie explores a few things wrong with Vixen, and for us long-time fans (dorks) it obviously doesn’t look good.  Another set-up issue this week, but with Final Crisis approaching I guess that a lot of comics are getting their big storylines set up.   Enjoying this comic, but it needs to step up.


Posted in Comics, Short Shorts | Leave a Comment »

Yes – I have already seen Cloverfield

Posted by tinfoilhats on January 19, 2008

Yep.  The viral advertising worked on me.  I saw Cloverfield on opening weekend.

That says a lot right there.  I hate going to the movie theatre.  I hate how crowded it is, and how rude the talkers are, and I hate how freaking overpriced it is.  When I go to the theatre, it is because I want to see something on the big screen, and dammit – I wanted to see this on the big screen.

No spoilers from me.  I really, really enjoyed this flick; quite a bit more than I had expected to.  The monster was utterly amazing, and they showed just enough to get the point across and to leave you wanting more.  The monster was as much of a character in this story as was New York City itself.  They both played their roles brilliantly.

As for the human actors, not bad all around.  I actually felt sympathetic to all, and I even liked a lot of them (and not just because Marlena was hot…oy vey!)  The script had a lot of nice lines, most delivered by the guy who showed up on camera the least, and the bottom line was simple: this was a flick about people and their very human reactions to something as completely otherworldly as a big nasty from the deep attacking a heavily populated city.

Incredible special effects; nifty product placement; clever camera work…three thumbs up from me!

But enough about the film…since this was a film about people, let’s discuss people.  Namely, the people who thought it was a good idea to bring young children to a flick like this.  From the first attack through the end of the movie there were young kids who kept going up and down the stairs to duck out in the hallway, obviously freaked out by the movie.  Hell, I was freaked out by the movie on more than one occassion!  There were several “HOLY SH*T!” moments throughout this and it was clearly not made for young children in mind.  I know that it says “PG-13,” but that does not mean “my 5-year old kid will love this!”  There were at least two little kids crying in the hallway where their parents had taken them…so that they could still watch the movie.  Let me tell you – half of the freak-out factor comes from the sounds in this movie.  A 5-year old closing his or her eyes isn’t going to stop the deafening roar which will likely be with them for many dreams to come.

Another fun group of people I saw were the “cell-phone photojournalists,” who had their phones out throughout the movie, trying to snap an image of the monster at various points so that they could go put them on the net, I’m assuming.  In a dark theatre a fully-lit screen from a RAZR can be phenomenally annoying…and there were several of them.  Movie stills will hit the net soon enough, so was it really worth being so damned inconsiderate of others for these clowns to get their “Jimmy Olsen” on?  Not quite, says this reporter…

Finally, there are the in-house Movie-Reviewers.  These people feel the need to loudly exclaim brilliant commentary such as “There’s the Monster!” at precisely the moment that the Monster appears on screen.  Magnificent!  And their interaction with one another: “DID YOU SEE THAT?”  A fascinating question that was well-timed to occur just after some event, seen by the entire theatre, occurred on screen.  Brilliant!

 Yeah, I know that I sound like a grumpy gus, but like I said, I hate going to the theatre.  Plus, it’s not like any of these people actually ruined this for me.  I loved the flick!  I just can’t help but notice people around me when I’m in a crowd.  Much like Randal, tho I may not like people I am fascinated by gatherings.  It’s kind of like a cool, interactive zoo in which I am the spectator as well as one of the animals, undoubtedly being observed by others as keenly as I observe them.

Yes….I forgot to wear pants again.  I already heard it from the cops, so I don’t need to hear about it from any of you.

Before I sign off, I need to comment on the previews: Hellboy, Iron Man and the new Will Ferrell basketball movie look good; the Ruins looks bad; Step Off 2 looks…..I’m sorry – was that preview a joke?  That’s not a real movie, is it?

Oh, and then there’s that other J.J. Abrahms project coming out next December…that gave me chills!

 In closing – go see Cloverfield…just do not take your 5 year-old kid; don’t take cell phone pics; and don’t provide audible commentary.  Now – Bring on the Sequel!!!

Posted in Idiots, Movies | Leave a Comment »

High Fidel-ity

Posted by tinfoilhats on January 19, 2008

Or better yet…is Fidel high???

I read a little news snippet earlier today where that rascal, Fidel Castro, in his latest fit of impotent rage has announced that there will be no diplomatic relations as long as George W. Bush is President.

Um….Fidel?  How is that any different from Clinton, Bush 41, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon or Johnson???  Hate to be the bearer of bad news, Fidel, but I really don’t think that it is up to you when diplomatic relations will resume. 

Honestly, I feel kind of bad for the guy – he needs an “adversary” so badly…but outside of the Cuban Exile community, he just can’t get anyone in America to care about his little, oppressive bastion of failed Marxism.  He reminds me of the “Toll House Cookie” kid, saying “I’m leaving…..you’ll never see me again….I mean it!”  Fidel, buddy – we haven’t forgotten that you’re there, we just don’t give a rat’s ass about you.  No offense, chief.

What poor ol’ Fidel doesn’t realize is that he is so far below our government’s radar right now.  There will be no resumption of diplomatic relations until the formaldahyde man eventually kicks the bucket, and even then it won’t be our government doing anything about change.  There will be major forces at work, but it won’t be Bush, or whomever his successor will be.  The big names in the next stage for Cuba will be ones like: Caesar’s Palace; or Harrah’s; or Trump; or the Waltons.  Fidel’s dream of war with America will not come to pass…all he has to look forward to after his death is where the first Starbucks will be located once the US lifts the embargo.

OK, so there will be no diplomatic relations with the US as long as Bush is President…you’re really showing us, Fidel!  I think that we just got, as the kids say, diplomo-served.  No other option now but a dance off…

Posted in Humor, Politics | Leave a Comment »

Next Year…a.k.a. – the Houston Rockets Motto

Posted by tinfoilhats on January 17, 2008

Is there a more disappointing team in the NBA this season than my beloved Houston Rockets?

We came in with a team which won 52 games and went 7 games in a tough first-round playoff matchup.  By the end of that our guys were tired and couldn’t keep up…so in the offseason they added depth to what was considered to be a very good, but shallow team.

What happened?

Steve Francis, Mike James, Luthor Head…none have particulary stepped up this season.  Bonzi has been inconsistant.  McGrady has been hurt.  Battier is having an off year.  Yao can’t do it alone.

We’ve had our bright spots: specifically the fantastic play of rookies, Aaron Brooks and Luis Scola.  Brooks spent time in the NBDL this season and wasn’t expected to get much time.  He has proven that he deserves more minutes in his play.  Scola has shown that he acclimated to the NBA game much quicker than anyone expected. but he is still prone to silly fouls.  That will be remedied by seasoning and experience.  In his few appearances, Carl Landry has shown why he is the coaching staff darling.  The kid needs to see more time.

Of our veterans, the oft-maligned Rafer Alston has picked up the Adelman system better than any other guard, but once again we’re asking too many minutes of him.  Chuck Hayes continues to be one of the most underrated players in the game, but at this point we have to start thinking about giving more time to Luis Scola.  This is not a knock on Hayes, but rather recognition that Scola is our future at that spot.

Yao, of course, is Yao.

 So, where does the team go from here?  There are rumors that McGrady wants out of town, but count me amongst the possible gullible types who aren’t buying that.  He will never find a city where he’ll be treated with such kid gloves by media and fans as he finds here.  Some may be frustrated with him, but they will always accept him.  If he does want to go; however, then I won’t be too upset or feel betrayed in any way.  We’ve given this Yao-McGrady combo several years, and if he wants a change then I think that the Rockets should accomodate him, but only if we get back something of value.  I know that it is difficult for a team to get true value for a superstar (if he’s still considered that), but I see no reason to believe that we’ll get lowballed for McGrady.

Personally, I’d like to see him stay here so that he and Yao can finish what they started; but, if they decide to make a change then I’d only rank McGrady as #5 on the list of Rockets that I would consider “untradable.” 

This is how I see the Rockets in terms of being “untradable:”

  1. Yao Ming – you do not trade a big man of his talent who brings so much to the team and city, on and off the court.
  2. Luis Scola – this guy is the real deal.  He’s a taller Manu Ginobli with tremendous upside.
  3. Aaron Brooks – He is our point guard of the future, and he can actually get the ball in to Yao, which is apparantly difficult at times for other players.
  4. Shane Battier – I know that he’s having an off year, but I would not trade Mr. Glue for anything short of an absolute blockbuster.
  5. Tracy McGrady  – it is time for him to step up, tho.

 I know that I have taken the best possible trading pieces off of the board, but I am of the belief that this team, despite underperforming now, is still capable of greatness; and that they should not change just for the sake of change.  I don’t want to see us give up anything of value for a half-year rental (and unpredictable headcase) like Ron Artest; and I don’t think that bringing in a point guard is the best idea, seeing as how Alston is playing reasonably well and Brooks is progressing nicely.

That said, I wouldn’t mind seeing Sam-I-Am back to finish his career where he started it.  Hell, adding him could be good just to try to light the fire of competition in McGrady, who seems to lack it at times.  He would also provide enough of an offensive punch to allow guys like Battier to get back on track by concentrating on defense.

Whatever happens, one thing is certain: it is going to be a long second half of the season in Houston…

Posted in Rockets, Sports | 1 Comment »

The Astros Off-season gets better and better!

Posted by tinfoilhats on January 15, 2008


 So now Congress is asking for an investigation into whether or not hasn’t-played-a-game-in-an-Astros-Uniform-yet Short-stop, Miguel Tejada, lied to a federal investigator during the investigation into Raphael “I never used steroids” Palmeiro.  What does this mean?  If he’s found guilty he can be charged with filing false statements with a Federal Prosecutor…which is a felony.

OK – we all know that the jackasses in Congress are just doing this because this is an election year and a lot of them need those wonderful, fist-shaking soundbites to show their constituancy that they aren’t just up there taking bribes and jerking each other off all day…but Federal Prosecutors – they don’t fool around.  If they attack, it is usually because they have the scent of blood.  You can call into question their motives for the selection of their targets, but once they decide to attack they usually do not stop until they get the throat and hang on til the fight is done.

Bottom line: what free agent short-stops are available?  I’m getting a bad feeling that we’re about to really, really miss Adam Everett.  He may not have had a bat, but at least we didn’t have to worry about Federal Prosecutors coming after him.

This whole steroids thing is kind of a joke.  I do not deny that it is a horrible health concern (mostly for kids), and as we’re seeing with the hip-hop crackdown, it’s not limited to the world of sports…but lets face it: no one is going to actually do a damned thing about it.  Congressmen Waxman and Davis?  Yeah – soundbites, make a good show, garner public support, and then when people aren’t paying attention…………forget all about it until they need it again to look good in the eyes of their voters.

Yes, I realize that I may sound jaded, but in this case I think that I am right.  Everyone is talking about how awful steroids are; but why bother with the hard work and sacrifice to do something about it when they get just as many bonus points for talking and doing nothing?

This will be all the rage for a couple months and then it will go away again.  It will leave the steps of Congress and be relegated to the sports section of the paper again by Opening Day in April.  We’ll all show our righteous indignation against these superstar athletes, and no one will do a damned thing about trying to prevent the usage of steroids (which has become a “Coke” term for performance enhancers) in college, in high school or in any walk of life outside of the professional ballparks and fields.  It’s kind of hard to take it seriously when you think of it like that.

For the Astros…well, nice job on that trade, Ed Wade!  Way to trade for a guy rumored to be up to his backne in steroid rumors the day before the freaking Mitchell Report hit.  I don’t buy for a moment the claims from Ed and Uncle Drayton that “we had no idea that Tejada would be mentioned.”  Not for a moment.

Oh well…this must be how the Falcons felt after giving us Schaub right before Mike Vick turned out to be Cujo’s worst nightmare.

Posted in Astros, Sports | 2 Comments »